Drone footage captured August 2024 by Tyler Bell
Have you heard of the Bonanza Channel? Safety Sound? Solomon, Alaska? If you’ve traveled to Nome, Alaska located in the Bering Strait Region of Alaska or the Seward Peninsula, visited the end of the Iditarod, chances are you have heard of the Bonanza Channel. The ‘Last Train to Nowhere’ is a historical site located right at the Bonanza bridge, home of the estuary also known as the Bonanza Channel.
The drone footage on the left is all of the waterways connected within the Solomon Watershed and Bonanza Channel. Can you imagine how many species and various wildlife rely on all of that water? This is their habitat and really exemplifies the tourism aspect for bird watchers who travel from all over the world to view this sacred habitat.
This website is going to allow you to learn more about what the Bonanza Channel is, who it has a direct impact on, the significance of this environment and the identity of those that culturally connect with this area.
What are those sticks?!
Great question! Those are stakes for a mining project to discharge 4.5 MILLION CUBIC YARDS into that watershed. If you look above the orange tip of these stakes, you’ll see an incredible amount of swans enjoying the undisturbed channel. There were hundreds, they come every year. Photo taken September 2024
Who the heck wants to destroy this swan habitat? Hmmmm…… This is a LONG story. Get comfortable, I’ll explain it all.
First - you must understand the significance of this environment and who has a meaningful connection with this Channel.
Second, you’ll want to understand the timeline of events.
Third- you’ll be interested in understanding who it is that would like to take this estuary away, the health and scare away all those beautiful swans…..
Lastly, I believe you will be interested in understanding what YOU can do to help #Protect#Bonanza#Channel.